1 - The Willow Tree and Farmer's Fence

1 - The Willow Tree and Farmer's Fence

2 - Pansies In a Backyard Garden

2 - Pansies In a Backyard Garden

3 - The Stormy Qualicum Beach - Vancouver Island, BC

3 - The Stormy Qualicum Beach - Vancouver Island, BC

4 - A Gothic Anglican Church On the Georgian Bay Coast - Bruce Peninsula

4 - A Gothic Anglican Church On the Georgian Bay Coast - Bruce Peninsula

5 - The Gothic Rose Cross

5 - The Gothic Rose Cross

6 - Statue of the Archangel Gabriel

6 - Statue of the Archangel Gabriel

7 - The Gothic Gazebo at Dusk

7 - The Gothic Gazebo at Dusk

8 - The Eerie Gothic Gazebo at Midnight

8 - The Eerie Gothic Gazebo at Midnight

9  - The Melodramatic Gazebo

9 - The Melodramatic Gazebo

10 - The Gothic Gazebo - brown hue

10 - The Gothic Gazebo - brown hue

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